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Top 15 Insights for Classroom Design

Eleven of Eleven Architecture is dedicated to client-centered design. Throughout our 15 years of experience, we have worked to help schools to grow with our design and construction expertise. Celebrate our 15-year anniversary with our Top 15 Insights for Classroom Design illustrated below!




Design Ideas for the Impact of Covid-19

Eleven of Eleven Architecture is dedicated to client-centered design. For us, that means providing our clients the best design ideas to keep schools safe and healthy in these unprecedented times. This global pandemic comes at a time when school budgets are tight and constraints are numerous. This is where we really shine - we enjoy rolling up our sleeves to dive in and solve problems within our clients’ budget and schedule. Our team assembled this package of preliminary design ideas as a conversation starter for campuses preparing to open for the fall semester.




Design Drivers

Eleven of Eleven has created icons to illustrate the criteria we use in our design-making process. We refer to these as Design Drivers. We are showing them here so you can understand what we look for when approaching a design challenge or specifying products.Each icon represents a design driver and serves as a quick visual of our design process... this is what we gather and digest to make responsible and purposeful choices for our clients!